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'Market will remain range-bound''The US market looks weak and the Indian industry has been doing poorly. So Sensex still remains below 1992 levels,' says Ramesh Shrichand Damani. TIANNAM : Rameshji, You are great and many thanks. Is BPCL worth buying at the current rate?Ramesh S Damani : Thanks for joining. Let's start. I believe that HPCL will be divested first. BPCL is the better co ruchita : Rameshji, Can I buy ROLTA and TVSE at current rate? Pls pls give me advice. Ramesh S Damani : For long term investors I would prefer TVSE Samie : Hi Rameshji, what are your views on IT&T. Is Omax Auto a good buy at the current level Ramesh S Damani : IT&T is in the call centre business. They have exciting plans but the stock is still immature baracuda : Macmillans results have been flat. When you refer to macmillan as an BPO IT-enabled play are you referring to their yellow pages business where they book a contract in any yellow pages and do the ad here in India and how much revenue do you expect from this? Have you received any feed back from the co how this part of the business is progressing Ramesh S Damani : IT is small but growing. They are in the digitization space for people like Nature Magand Reed Elseiver Group. It is a big space and the boom of work has just started. It is for patient investors. I still own it kavita : Dear ramesh, kindly advise abt G.E shipping, L&T, Videocon, Rel Petro Ramesh S Damani : GE Shipping looks good euphoria : Dear RD, I had purchased a substantial quantity of geometric at 620. Please tell me what is the upside from here and whether I should keep a stop loss for delivery on geometric .thanks. Ramesh S Damani : I am bullish over 2-3 year on Geometric from these prices. If they deliver it will be a good stock to own. kavita : Dear Ramesh do you think SCI is still a good buy sometime back in this chat I had asked u abt it and you had mentioned it will definitely go above book value which it has. Is there still steam in it Ramesh S Damani : I would book some profit in it chengize : ramesh what's your call on Rolta? I believe it is a ITES play now. Also where do you see digital going. Ramesh S Damani : It is in cad/cam. However it has a bloated equity. Good for trading chengize : Ramesh ; how do you see e-serve, with operating margins down a tad it seems to be stagnant and looking fully priced Ramesh S Damani : Its market cap is around 700crs. Margins will increase this year. It looks good. I own it kavita : Thanks for your reply on SCI. Any opinion on L&T, Videocon and GE Shipping Ramesh S Damani : GE looks good kishore : What are the price targets for Max india, BEML & Macmillan (upper limits)? Will they follow Geometic, CMC, Hinduja TMT. Ramesh S Damani : I am crossing my fingers and hopeful malibudude : Ramesh, if given a choice would u consider investing in macmillan india or TVS electr? I had hard time figuring out about Macmillan on the web? Ramesh S Damani : Mcmillan shriya : Mr. Ramesh , is it wise investing in vital communs - they have bagged order for 11 cr !!!! Ramesh S Damani : I saw the results. However be careful. Mgmt is unknown chengize : Ramesh : why are you so bullish on TVSE they made a profit of 50 lacs in Q1 and have a huge equity ? Ramesh S Damani : They are moving into BPO fields. Mgmt is very good. I think market is sensing a turnaround bullet : Rameshbhai, how does bel and beml look from here Ramesh S Damani : Excllent. I am still holding it babystock : Hi Rameshji! Congrats for being the first to advise on live chat for stocks. How does Thermax look at this rate? Ramesh S Damani : Thanks. Results have been encouraging. However I am not sure it is sustainable. satish : Hi Damaniji. Subex both 3rd and 4rt have been poor so what do u say about its future. I have bought @162qty 300 shares so now should I hold or sell because there is no further rise Ramesh S Damani : I would hold it ansii : I have been asking you about Investment Trust of India for the past 2 - 3 weeks in chat. but you didn't give me any call. But I bought it at 29 and today it has freezed at 39.7. Any takes. Ramesh S Damani : I have not followed the stock gun : good afternoon dear rd, do u still stand by your earlier bullish views on concor ....its been a long time since u mentioned it so I asked...pls respond ..thanks Ramesh S Damani : I am bullish and own it. I hope it gets disinvestd next year smallinvestor : Apart from IT enabled and PSU which other area/scrip looks promising? Ramesh S Damani : Those are my 2 fancied sectors. ansii : Any new picks Ramesh? I have been a fan of yours and do come to chat regularly and made money on your tips too. Ramesh S Damani : Thanks. I am advising long term investors to buy Mcmillan and E-serve gowthami : Dear sir, please comment on mars, mascon global and compudyne. Please answer this q Ramesh S Damani : Compudyne is a wild card. Watch it. The rest I am not enthusiastic about anandbhatt : Good afternoon Sir, How are you doing? Any new trading calls you would advise at current levels? Ramesh S Damani : Market in US looks weak. We are going to be range bound maheshpurohit : Ramesh ji how do u see Indian PSU banks like corporation bank and state bank and also private sector banks like IDBI bank. We are talking of a consumer finance boom here. Which banks would u bet on if at all Ramesh S Damani : I think SBI would be the best. For consumer financing boom we have to look for a pure play. gun : Dear rd, is the appreciation in the 2nd and 3rd rung old economy stocks an indication of the future trend or just another blip ...u have been quoted as being unethused by their price rise ......pls respond ...thanks Ramesh S Damani : Which stock rises are you referring to? Cement, FMCG have been flat malibudude : Ramesh,last heard kale is into BPO?I already own some and do u think I can add more considering its market cap? Ramesh S Damani : If you are patient yes. It will take time to grow BPO for them. I trade in it smallinvestor : Rameshji, I'm sure u must be having some scrip which u like to give as trading call, pls share with us Ramesh S Damani : Market has been flat. Not giving us much trading range. No really good calls. babystock : Rameshji, I have seen in press recently that clients of IT enabled companies frequently change .. say for every 2 years, so how far these companies projecting 100% growth, would be sure of their retention by the clients, sir? Ramesh S Damani : Look at the bigger co's eroych : CAN BEL AND BEML BE FURTHER BOUGHT AT THIS PRICE? Ramesh S Damani : you could average BEL upwards harip : Ramesh, How do you analyze a stock? Do u visit the company and talk with the officials? Or gather information from different sources and study the financials? I am curious as investors like me who will not visit the companies personally? Or do u have any suggestions for us? Thanks in advance.. Ramesh S Damani : I try to find a good sector and then locate the best co's. The sector must have exciting growth. A lot of reading helps SKSWAMY : RD THANKS TO SEE YOU ON CNBC ON SATURDAY. YOU TOLD BALAJI IS BETTER BET THAN ZEE AND ALSO TOLD THAT YOU WILL BUYING IT. HAVE YOU BOUGHT OR CAN ADVICE AT WHAT CAN I ENTER Ramesh S Damani : i have not. I am watching it. ZEE has a large market cap. Balaji is small. Cant compare the two. indian : Dear Ramesh, please tell me the PSUs that can be accumulated at current levels. Ramesh S Damani : bel and container gun : dear rd, the appreciation in shyam telecom krone communication and oen connectors ...could it be indicative of a telecom boom in the making in India....please comment ...thanks Ramesh S Damani : its too early to come to that conclusion. More speculative rally. Telecom worldwide is in doldrums BASANT : Sir, I Repeat My Question. In IT & T the market does not like the rights issue or should investors hold on Ramesh S Damani : I would hold on. However only a small part of your portfolio in it. anandbhatt : Thanks, the great stock BEL went up to 220 and has reacted to 200. Should one book profits or doyou feel it has steam left in the short term [next few trading sessions] Any take on what approx. price one can see in the next few sessions? Ramesh S Damani : I am still of the opinion that it will go much higher,. gowthami : Dear sir according to you long term means what is the period? Is it 6/12/15/18months? Ramesh S Damani : I have held stocks for 10 years. Generally it would mean till the bull market in the sector seems to be over. The bull market in tech was over in 2000. In cement in 92 bhabhiji : How does Pentamedia looks at current level pl. answer it. It's a request of Bhabhi, Devarji Ramesh S Damani : avoid it smallinvestor : (7th time)- Rolta, polaris and IT&T, what is your call at current levels, hold/sell/accumulate Ramesh S Damani : Trade Rolta. Polaris invest in. IT&T Hold. sd : PLEASE GIVE YR COMMENTS ON ATCOM TECHNOLOGIES LTD AT 36/ WITH NP OF 7 CR (EQ 15 CR.) IN MARCH02 QTR. Ramesh S Damani : I think the number need to be rechecked gowthami : dear sir GTL is also IT-enabled and BPO. This info is according to today's Businessline paper. Any comment on this stock? please. Ramesh S Damani : mgmt has not been the best in it MOHAN123 : HAI DAMANIJI . In Apollo hosp & Macmillan Which scrip is better Ramesh S Damani : both are good. I own both. IF had to choose I would say Mcmillan anandbhatt : Sir,Thanks a lot. Any idea why HDFC Bank has been falling the last 2 weeks?I own it.Bought it at Rs70 a few years back. Should I sell and switch to another bank or Hold on to it? Your advise will be highly appreciated. Ramesh S Damani : i would hold it. DrHA : DEAR RAMESHJI,I AM REPEATING THIS QUESTION AFTER TWO WEEKS. WHAT ARE THE STOCKS WORTH BUYING FOR Rs 50,000/-. Ramesh S Damani : IT ?enabled BPO or PSU is a good sector to look at. You know my picks there uk : SIR WHAT ABOUT HINDUJA TMT - SHULD WE SELL OR HOLD Ramesh S Damani : sell partially Bony : Does Nagpur Co-operative bank scam would affect on stock market? Will investor continue his faith on Stock market? Ramesh S Damani : It hurts the sentiment sure. anandbhatt : Sir,You dont think some thing like Karur Vysya or J&K Bank would give me a better appreciation than HDFC Bank? Pls advice Ramesh S Damani : If KV is bought over it would be a blockbuster VASU : Mr. Damani, as the small investors lacked expertise in trading, the shift was towards mutual funds. Though basically mutual funds are also index based, there have been failures - as far example starting from Morgan Stanley to K Tech & MNC, Internet opportunities fund, etc. I have invested quiet a heavy amount in these schemes and can you just tell me when to sell my holdings? I never wanted to hold these as long term investments. Further when UTI failed it made lot of headlines but what about these private fund managers who did not perform bare minimum of what they promised? Ramesh S Damani : the industry has been doing poorly. Of course, market is still below 92 levels. In UTI taxpayers bailed them out. In Pvt funds the investors lost money. That is fairer than a bailout uk : WHAT DO U FEEL WHERE THE SENSEX IS HEADIN NOW - EVE ON SUNDAY U HAVE RECOMMENDED MAX INDIA IN CNBC- AT WHAT PRICES ONE SHOULD ENTER Ramesh S damani : At current levels smallinvestor : (3rd time) some say ONGC will go up to 500, what is your view, pls reply sir Ramesh S damani : It could However it is unlikely to be disinvested. I think there are better values. ONGC does not deserve to be the highest market cap co. babystock : Dear Damaniji, I have seen a news item that US $ has the maximum purchasing power for the Rupee.. about 5 times.. What does it imply for our export competitiveness in coming years in WTO scenario? Ramesh S damani : That India is cheap. However our goods other than software have no global market anju : TAKE MY WORD FOR IT. THIS BPO THING WILL ALSO BE A BUBBLE LIKE TMT STOCKS. DEAR ALL DONT GET CARRIED AWAY BY MCMILLAN AND ALL. AFTER ALL BPO IS JUST A SOPHISTICATED TERM FOR SUB CONTRACTING OF WORK. Ramesh S damani : It is. And that is the bullishness. Due to cheap telecom cost it can be done here. It saves costs and employees people. It will be big I feel. ritu : Sir, any calls on KLG Systal? I have heard they are also into BPO! Ramesh S damani : I am not bullish on it Lalooyadav : SIR ANY NEW THING YOU SPOTTED RECENTLY OR BOUGHT IN - I HAVE HEARD THAT U HAVE BOUGT KALECONSULTANT AD VANS INFOdata Ramesh S damani : trading in kale. No vans RETAILINVESTOR : (ANS 1 Q)BULLISH ON WHICH STOCK FOR NEXT 6-12 MONTHS Ramesh S damani : BPO sector shares. They have exciting growth ahead ritu : Sir, do u have any idea when E-serve is going to announce its quarterly results? The scrips is range bound between 600 to 650 for the last four weeks? Ramesh S damani : that is not bad. Investors must learn patience. Results will come in June uk : SIR PEOPLES AR ERECOMMENDING KPIT INFO - WITH A TAGET OF 500/- AND WHAT DO U FEEL WILL IPCL WILLBE DIVESTED AT 130/- OR MORE Ramesh S damani : kpit mgmt does not impress me. They need to prove themselves rmisra : Shares in which industry should be purchased for the long term, say for ten years? Ramesh S damani : 10 years would be enon tech. Try things like Tata-Tea, Lever etc Ak47 : Sir Rakesh Junjunwala is talking 10000 sensex in next 4 years .....What is your view..? Ramesh S damani : his friends call him "the man who saw tomorrow." Lets hope he is right. smallinvestor : 6th time) U have never recommended L&T, I think it deserves one look from a great advisor like u. Ramesh S damani : i own some L&T. Mgmt has not delivered for shareholders. They are still to spin of tech or cement which they promised 2 years ago. anju : THANKS FR REPLY REG MY FEELINGS ABT BPO. BUT VALUATIONS APPEAR TO BE FAR TOO STRECTHED. Ramesh S damani : All the major BPO are in the range of 400-800 crs market cap. If the business will be $8 Billion cap must rise to reflect it QUERY : BPO SECTOR SHARE MEANS?? Ramesh S damani : business process outsourcing. ITES is Info tech enabled services gun : dear rd, should one shun thinly traded stock despite their having excellent growth prospects...cos common advice being dished out is that ALWAYS STAY WITH LIQUID COUNTERS.... kindly enlighten ...many thanks Ramesh S damani : buy good stocks in good sectors with good mgmt. Don't worry too much about liquidity. It will come indian : Dear Sir, who are the mail players in the BPO sector? Ramesh S damani : e-serve, infotech ent, Geometric, Hinduja TMT. Mcmillan Max etc gowthami : Dear sir this is my last question. Please answer me. At this rate can I buy tvse/compudyne? Please please answer me Ramesh S damani : Lets watch. I am waiting for an announcement from TVSE. Lets hear it guptaone : UNITED BREWERIES - higher turnover with more losses - next few quarters/years N times jump in profits will be possible & hence it shall be a buy at current levels of 126/- what do u advice? Ramesh S damani : i would take a chance in it. I still own it anandbhatt : SIR,PLEASE ANSWER MY QUESTION.I AM ASKING IT FOR THE 4TH TIME.I own OrchidChemicals, a pharma stock? Any idea how this company is doing? I bought it at 120 few years ago and thinking of selling at a loss at Rs.95 and switching to a PSU. Pls advice Ramesh S damani : Dont follow it stoktok : Mr Damani..how was your trip to Hyd? Did u check out Fourth Generation Info systems? Profit for the year 4.2 crores. EPS of Rs 0.68 on paid up of Rs 2 per share. P/E less than 2. They are into IT enabled also...what do u say? Ramesh S damani : i did not. I have not followed them ritu : Dear Ramesh, do u still recommend Rolta as a trading call? U said it's doing a work similar to Geometric and Infotech Enterprises. Pls. answer this question! Ramesh S damani : they are. However b/s is bloated. I trade and not invest in it. Market seems to be trading in the stock. Good volumes V : SIR, WHAT IS THE IT ENABLED STORY IN MACMILLAN. THEY WERE INTO PUBLISHING. HOW COME IT ENABLED STORY IN IT. Ramesh S damani : they are doing some digitization, typesetting work guptaone : rameshji! What is your opinion on Alstom power @38 levels? Ramesh S damani : a good bet. I own some stockanalyzer : Sir Please DSQ Software - Do you Follow it ?, What is the current trend on this company ?. Do you recommend it? When you say BPO sector, most of the BPO IT/ITES companies operate on vendor alliances on the product market, will their share prices (in NASDAQ) reflect in the Indian share market ? Ramesh S damani : i would avoid DSQ. RETAILINVESTOR : WHICH ONE YOU LIKE MOST: e-serve, infotech ent, Geometric, Hinduja TMT, McmillanMax etc Ramesh S damani : I favor e-serve the most. Priya : Hi Ramesh Can you tell me shortest way to earn money in Stock Market Ramesh S damani : i don't know any Maria : Ramesh, you have been to Hyd. You could have let us know, dying to meet u in person. Please let us know in near future. Ramesh S damani : maybe next time. Thanks all for joining. See you next week. Bye Join the Ramesh S Damani chat every Tuesday at 1600 IST. Money ALSO SEE: