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The J N Dixit Chatkarthik subbiah (Fri Oct 11 20:38:28 1996 IST):
Mr. Secretary, my perception of India's role in global affairs can be effective only if we prove to be a viable economy and militarily strong? Am I right? Vagabond! (Fri Oct 11 20:40:27 1996 IST):
Like Shakespear said! What is in a name? Are U ducking my Question! mohan marette (Fri Oct 11 20:41:01 1996 IST):
Mr.Dixit, as man who had an illustirious career
as a diplomat,what is your thoughts on how the
Indian diplomats can influence the policiy
makers who seems to hold the country hostage
to their parochial and self serving agenda.
Radhika (Fri Oct 11 20:41:03 1996 IST):
? Sandeep (Fri Oct 11 20:41:27 1996 IST):
Mr. Dixit,
Do you think resistance to CTBT will be compromised
for an assurance for permanent seat in the security council? Radhika (Fri Oct 11 20:42:58 1996 IST):
? karthik subbiah (Fri Oct 11 20:43:45 1996 IST):
Mr. Secretary, I strongly disapprove India's reaction by sending the peace keeping force to Srilanka. More infernal was the time chosen to do that. We failed to do anything concrete till 1987, and when the situation was out of control, with the LTTE having gained strength we sent our army to fight a war which they are trained to fight. It costs us so many lives and the life of a leader. But, thanks to V.P. Singh's decision to withdraw the forces, I think we avoided another Vietnam in the making. mohan marette (Fri Oct 11 20:43:54 1996 IST):
J N DIXIT (Fri Oct 11 20:45:24 1996 IST):
Karthik Subbaiah: I presume you are talking about our not signing the CTBT, and not the NPT. If you have the time, read the chapter on non-proliferation in my book "My South Block Years". The world is not a moral place where international relations and strategic policies are concerned. It is still an amoral phenomena. Our track record in non-proliferation is unimpeachable, and responsible when compared to the behaviour of other nuclear weapon states and nuclear weapon-capable states. All we have done is not to accept an unfair and discriminatory arrangement sought to be unilaterally imposed upon us, which is against our national security interests and against the fundamental objectives of genuine and comprehensive nuclear disarmament. We remain committed to achieving the complete elimination of weapons of mass destruction within a definite timetable. We wish all countries to commit themselves to this objective. There is no erosion of our commitment to peace but at the same time we cannot accept a small number of countries trying to achieve permanent military and political superiority by sleight of hand. Samir D Diwakar (Fri Oct 11 20:46:53 1996 IST):
How real is the threat from China? I often feel the threat to our security and well being will not come from the forces of Islamic fundamentalism, but from China. Do you agree, Sir? Which way do you think China will go after Deng's death? Bijal (Fri Oct 11 20:48:22 1996 IST):
Mr Dixit, from where have you logged on? NRI (Fri Oct 11 20:48:39 1996 IST):
Me. J.N.Dixit! Why is it that India has not been able to evonve an effective policy for
Overseas Indians like China! We have witnessed assurances by Mr.Ray only to be skirted by PVN Rao during his Visit!
You failed in Fiji! In other countries where Overseas Indians are there !they feel neglected by Goverment of India!
What did you do for NRI's and GIRMIT Indians! Radhika (Fri Oct 11 20:49:01 1996 IST):
? Sudhir (Fri Oct 11 20:50:50 1996 IST):
Dixit: I think India has a big bully attitude in the SE asian region. Its foreign policy
is in a way screwed up..nobody seems to trust us..look at Nepal: we blockaded the country
economically based on some stupid expiry of the trade treaty between India and Nepal apparently based
on some mistrust between Rajiv Gandhi and the King of Nepal.
Our relationship with SriLanka also is such that it needs no elaboration. The IPKF had absolutely no
business being in SriLanka..How dou u justify another country's armed force being in SL?
Did not the whole world condemn Russian troops in Afghanistan?
Would India take kindly to Pakistan sending troops to help
insurgency in Kashmir?
There is no justification for the IPKF's role..comments? karthik subbiah (Fri Oct 11 20:50:56 1996 IST):
Having mentioned about our mission in SL in 1987, sir do you think we could be a mute spectator to the ongoings there? I think we have a moral responsibility in solving the problem and we could help highlight the SriLankan in world fora. It is the future of half a million people that is at stake now there. They are being haplessly crushed between the grindstones of both LTTE and the Srilankan army? A direct interference by India may not be morally correct? But to be politically correct we must show some empathy in this issue? I wish people like you, with your invaluable service, must help us to form a concrete policy in this issue. Ashish Ramanujam (Fri Oct 11 20:51:19 1996 IST):
Mr Dixit, why is the Indian Foreign Service so divided? Why can't we rise above pettiness and recognise merit? Why have foreign secretaries like yourself been unable to break this asphxiating trend? phoren returned, and how! (Fri Oct 11 20:51:46 1996 IST):
Dixit,Esq.,it is a fact that the IFS sucks up to the richer element within the expat Indian population for their own petty material benefits (How many IFS don't have kids on "scholarship" in phoren universities?)
Is there a case for disbanding the IFS and letting the devil take the hindmost?
don't you think, in retrospect, that it may have been a better solution for India's foreign relationship tactics? *One who knows* mohan marette (Fri Oct 11 20:51:46 1996 IST):
Sir, Are the Indian diplomats really equipped
to handle their assignments?Or are they just
happy to have the cushy job and 'put in'
their time untill retirement?
Dinkar (Fri Oct 11 20:52:55 1996 IST):
How serious is the problem of people walking across the border in to india from sri lanks, pakistan and bangladesh ?
are we doing anything about it ? Radhika (Fri Oct 11 20:53:03 1996 IST):
Mr. Dixit! Are U going to answer my questions!
How would you describe the Indian Foriegn Policy under you:
Moral,Amoral or Immoral! Srikant Dutt (Fri Oct 11 20:53:09 1996 IST):
Mr Dixit, Sir: Why have Indian diplomats been unsuccessful in utilising the services of non resident Indians, the way Israel does, to promote our cause on Capitol Hill? phoren returned, and how! (Fri Oct 11 20:54:29 1996 IST):
(mOTTO oF tHE iFS) J N DIXIT (Fri Oct 11 20:54:42 1996 IST):
Radhika: In my personal assessment, India's chances of becoming a permanent member of the security council are limited despite our continuous and unfailing commitment to the UN charter, and our being always supportive of UN peacekeeping operations. Permanent membership of the Security Council is not determined by objective criteria or merit, it is a game of power. We have not signed the NPT and the CTBT; India is unlikely to tow the line of any superpower; we are not a major financial contributor to the UN budget. We must accept that we are considered a somewhat embarrassing and independent country, so we should not be too hopeful in the foreseeable future. Even more important, I don't think being a vetoless permanent member of the Security Council will serve India's interest. One should not be interested in cosmetic importance. As far as USA not responding to us in the economic sphere as they have to China is concerned, I am not as pessimistic as you are. Indo-US economic relations are picking up in trade, investments, even in technological cooperation. I will not assess Indo-US relations comparing India with China. We are a democracy, our political culture and value system is different, our relation with US will grow at their own pace as far as we concentrate on our economic modernisation and sustained US interest in having an economic partnership with us. Radhika (Fri Oct 11 20:55:10 1996 IST):
Mr. Dixit! Do you believe in Family Planning!? Samir D Diwakar (Fri Oct 11 20:55:58 1996 IST):
You must have met V Pirbhakaran. Asc someone who speaks Tamil yourself what kind of person did he come across as? Was he a Pol Pot-like figure? I have never been able to understand the blind loyalty he commands from his cadres.When did he turn against India? Subhash (Fri Oct 11 20:57:01 1996 IST):
Subhash Dhulekar :
Mr Dixit, By not signing CTBT treaty India got isolated
but CTBT Chairman observed some logic in India's stand. Do you
it will change other signatories attitude ? Srikant Dutt (Fri Oct 11 20:57:08 1996 IST):
Why did we turn against the LTTE after first arming them? What were the diplomatic and security compulsions that forced us to abandon the LTTE? Sudhir (Fri Oct 11 20:57:26 1996 IST):
Mr. Dixit: ?? mohan marette (Fri Oct 11 20:59:43 1996 IST):
Sir, Why is it the Indian government seems,
rather reluctuant to attract NRIs back to
India with tangible policies,unlike China?All
they seem to want is to attract NRI deposits,
and not much else! What is your opinion about
dual citizenship,transfer of residence duty
free, etc?There is tremendous amout of money
and expertise waiting to be utilised!!!!
Sandeep (Fri Oct 11 20:59:56 1996 IST):
Mr. Dixit,
What do u think is the reason for the sharp deterioration
in the quality of recent IFS and IAS candidiates?
Given a choice I would not want to be reporting to a
'democratically' elected minister with known criminal record!!
Any comments!! Raja Hindustani (Fri Oct 11 21:00:12 1996 IST):
Mr. Dixit! I get this feeling that U R picking
up only comfortable Questions!Why are you avoiding
uncomfortable Questions!You have skipped five or six!
J N DIXIT (Fri Oct 11 21:01:12 1996 IST): Radhika: I have answered your questions. The choice is entirely yours whether you want to be moral, immoral, or amoral.
Mohan Marette:On all counts, the Indian Foreign Service is one of the best-trained foreign services of the world. It is recruited on merit by competitive examinations, members of the service go through a rigourous training programme of nearly three years, before being confirmed in the service and starting their career. Despite all the limitations of resources, enormous challenges, the Indian Foreign Service has performed in safeguaring India's interest and meeting India's foreign policy objectives in constantly changing circumstances. Raja Hindustani (Fri Oct 11 21:03:14 1996 IST):
Mr. Dixit! I get this feeling that U R picking
up only comfortable Questions!Why are you avoiding
uncomfortable Questions!You have skipped five or six!
Raja Hindustani (Fri Oct 11 21:04:32 1996 IST):
! Sudhir (Fri Oct 11 21:05:22 1996 IST):
Mr. Dixit: Why should India get a permanent seat in the security council?
what has India done to justify a position? Just being the largest democracy
does not mean it should get a seat..India has since Independence been isolationist..
everything it has done has isolated it from the rest of the world, be it better
economic conditions for the people, global foreign policy, etc.. Even the democracy
is not mature..India is a democracy only on Paper..People are bound economically..
Vestiges of the Raj pervades in some form or the other.
India has also isolated itself in the stupid guise of Non-Alignment. Agreed our
geographical proximity might have to do with distancing ourselves from US or USSR
in some respects..but everybody will tell u we were pro USSR..
when the people ploitically and economically were for close
ties to the US..
We have sided with corrupt govts like Alan Garcia in Peru..
Does India have a knack of putting its diplomatic foot in the mouth?
Pls justify India seeking a permanent seat?..how will the world be better
off with India being on the security council?
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