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| May 31, 2005 |
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|  How budget airlines keep their costs low Most low-cost carriers offer short haul, point-to-point services on a no-frills basis; they have a single seat arrangement (all economy, no business or first class); and their fleet consists of a single aircraft model.
Mid-cap funds? Are they safe? There is a growing interest in mid-cap funds on the back of higher returns; but higher valuations and lower liquidity pose concerns.
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| May 27, 2005 |
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|  How UK policy led to AP farmers' suicides A study says AP farmers were forced to pay more for seeds, fertilisers, pesticides, water and power because of flawed public policy and economic strategy implemented at the behest of a British government body.
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| May 26, 2005 |
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|  Incredible story of Banyan Tree group! "Organic diversification is the best route for growth," advises the founder of the Banyan Tree, one of the world's fastest growing hotel chains, which redefined the meaning of the word luxury. Read why. . .
Not making hay when the sun shines Banks incurred trading losses with interest rates rising in 2004-05, but didn't cash in by earning more interest income
Nokia takes on iPod, Canon The era of convergence can throw up unimaginable scenarios -- mobile handset manufacturers competing head on with IT majors and also aiming for a chunk of the exploding digital camera market.
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| May 25, 2005 |
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|  The man behind IA's rebirth In about a fortnight from today, the government has to appoint a successor to Mr Arora
How good is the Tata Mid Cap Fund? Over 3-5 years, the fund will benefit from the long-term growth potential of mid caps, but investors should factor in the above-average turbulence that will likely come their way.
Is Principal Junior Cap Fund good? We believe the fund is a high risk - high return investment proposition and risk-taking investors can consider investing in the same.
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| May 23, 2005 |
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|  Why IPOs are no longer alluring Aggressive pricing of primary issues driven by booming secondary markets is beginning to hinder returns from IPOs. Most of them neither offer a quick buck nor a safe bet.
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| May 20, 2005 |
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|  Investing in ULIPs? Read this first My advice to those who are looking to buy not just a ULIP, but any financial product: It is your right and responsibility to ask for a company printed benefit illustration and brochure, and take some time to read, understand and question it.
The farce of bank CMD selections Public sector banks have no set framework for selecting their top executives and the rules change from case to case
Do women write better e-mails? An IIM-A study on the relationship between gender, politeness and e-mail content has thrown up some interesting points.
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| May 17, 2005 |
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|  Brain gain! Fewer IITians going abroad! More challenging opportunities in India, better pay, fewer opportunities in US and better living standards in India are the causes, say experts.
CavinKare takes the spice route Will CavinKare be able to replicate its success in shampoo with pickle and condiments?
How MTV made it big in India MTV India Managing Director Alex Kuruvilla tells Business Standard of the folly in believing that the cocktail circuit's tastes reflect those of all Indians
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| May 11, 2005 |
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|  Here come the Canon cameras! Canon is aiming to click in the consumer electronics arena by focusing on the digital imaging market -- plus a little glamour.
Look how NatGeo has changed The channel's new ad reflects its changed, information -plus-entertainment slant.
How to treat VAT in books of accounts VAT should be shown in the books of account under a separate liability account, which is ultimately reflected in the balance sheet under creditors.
How VAT works Do you understand VAT? Do you need advice on the new VAT laws and how they affect your business? Here's help.
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| May 10, 2005 |
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|  Is your company risk-intelligent? Faced with newer types of risk profiles across their enterprise the concept of the chief risk officer -- or the CRO -- may soon mark its presence in India.
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| May 07, 2005 |
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|  Man with the Midas touch Until last week, Mukundray K Shah of MK Shah Exports was only known as a leading tea exporter of the country.
Farming with a difference Contract farming has a lot to offer both farmers and the landless
How to bet at the races And finally, if all your studying of the form book doesn't deliver winners, try betting on horse number six in the sixth race running in lane number six...
Check out the new Maruti 800, Omni Maruti gives its old faithfuls a bit of a nip-and-tuck. We check out the 'all-new' 800 and Omni.
Scramble in the sky for Re 1 fares Next week will unleash the second phase of fare wars, making flying cheaper than ever before. But will the new airlines survive or sink?
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| May 05, 2005 |
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|  Do we need a new pension scheme? The current one caters to only a small portion of the workforce and is financially unsustainable, but the Left parties don't buy this argument
The DTH war hot up in US A new battle is now being waged in America between the two major DTH providers, Directv and Dish Network.
Retail chains embrace EAN standards The ECR forum in India is working towards making EAN the international standard barcode, mandatory for all products sold in India after March 2006.
How will US Fed rate hike impact India? With US Fed increasing interest rates to 3%, equity money flows into emerging markets like India could be impacted in the medium term.
60% Net-savvy Indians own a car! A global online survey on car ownership and purchase intentions, conducted recently by ACNielsen, reveals that 60% Internet-savvy Indians owned a car, the highest among other Asian nations.
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