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March 21, 2003 |



An inflected discourse
'In every realm of public policy, the devil is in the details. This allows claims of good governance to be made, even while engaging in its exact opposite.'


March 7, 2003 |



The State of Non-compliance
'Reform-minded citizens cannot be blind to the key role of non-compliance in maintaining the current politics; it is at the heart of political malaise partly because upholding the law is an obfuscating matter, not easily understood by the laity.'


February 21, 2003 |



Left, Right, and Out of Step
'Perhaps the Hindu Right and New Left find unexpected similarity now, but in seeking widely different Indias, they will remain apart,'says Ashwin Mahesh


February 07, 2003 |



An inhuman bondage
'No reasoning can explain away the horror of a child chained to a wall, or beaten with a belt for a workplace violation. An India that fails her children so cruelly is an affront to each of her citizens,' says Ashwin Mahesh.


January 24, 2003 |



Balance of Aspirations
'Selective prosperity is no substitute for a true balance of aspirations among the citizens. The belief that high economic growth will alleviate social tensions within the land puts the cart before the horse,' says Ashwin Mahesh.


December 26, 2002 |



A human enterprise
'A society whose rules of engagement are easily discarded denies not the humanity of those it prosecutes, but its own.'


December 6, 2002 |



Classes within classes
'Are we wealthy, middle class, or poor? How far above the median are we? An honest acceptance of the answers is the first step towards broad national prosperity.'


November 22, 2002 |



Who's asking you?
'At the heart of nearly every public interest issue today lies a simple truth --- unaccountability begins with deliberate disregard for input from the citizenry.'


November 14, 2002 |



Borrowing to stay poor
'Much of the grinding destitution of the nation is sustained by a cycle of usurious lending and subsequent bonded labour that is simply illegal, and this must change.'


October 28, 2002 |



Old World Disorder
'We have made men, and worse still, supermen, in the UN Security Council; the last thing India needs is a place of pride in this shameful gathering.'


October 16, 2002 |



A convenient naivete, or a guilty connivance?
'From behind institutional facades, organisations like the World Bank exert tremendous political and economic force. But when this veneer is removed, and the individuals who administer the policies are called to account for them, the insincerity of their defence is galling.'
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