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Ambedkar statue desecrated in Nashik, angry mob resorts to stoning-throwing

Another Dr Ambedkar statue was found desecrated in Maharashtra. This time in Nashik's Ganjmal area.

Result: a place of worship was stoned, vehicles damaged and life in the city half-paralysed.

Police sources say a woman noticed the Ambedkar statue in the heart of the city garlanded with a pair of slippers on Friday morning. She informed the Republican Party of India activists. Soon a mob collected around the statue and started pelting at passing vehicles.

The angry mob then moved down to the Dooth bazar area where they stoned private vehicles. A petrol pump, several shops and houses were damaged.

Police said the situation, though tense, is under control. No arrests have been made. Three cases of rioting, stone-pelting and desecration have been filed.

Meanwhile, the Ide-E-Milad procession was taken out in the Bhadrakali area without any untoward incidents.

Extra police forces have been deployed in the city.


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