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Sudhakar Naik quits Congress posts

Congress leader and former Maharashtra chief minister Sudhakar Naik has resigned from all party posts, Congress spokesperson Ratnakar Mahajan said on Wednesday.

Naik, Mahajan said, gave a one line resignation letter to Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee president Ranjit Deshmukh on Saturday. Naik, thus, is now effectively out of the Pradesh Congress Committee, All India Congress Committee and state parliamentary board.

"However, he will continue with other organisational work," Mahajan said.

Attacking the Bharatiya Janata Party, Mahajan demanded it make public all important files on Enron, transfers of top officials in the state and other issues -- after all, he said, had not leader Atal Bihari Vajpayee called for transparency in the government?

"The BJP in the state should obey him," he said.


Sudhakar Naik in centre of Congress storm

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